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_888211480.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" style="color: rgb(77, 178, 236); text-decoration: none !important;">a falta de regulación, ya que produce "cierto desequilibrio", ya que es legal un cultivo "que se pueda justificar como consumo propio" aunque no existe una cantidad concreta que tenga la consideración legal. "Cada consumo es diferente" en cada usuario.

Se quiso subrayar que es necesaria la prevención y educación de la juventud. Éstos son los más vulnerables y "lo ilegal para ellos muchas veces es un incentivo". También se señaló que cuando se explica la ventaja de regular no se "está banalizando". Y por supuesto, se estaba de acuerdo que "los políticos no tenían que rehuir este debate".



Last week the "Cannabis and You" conference was held with the Basque Association of Journalists and the College of Physicians of Bizkaia. In this conference topics such as "Will the sale and consumption of cannabis be regulated? Benefits or damages of that regulation ..."

The conference took place in Bilbao and involved several doctors, journalists, lawyers, even regional police. In the Basque Country there are around 180 cannabis associations which sum up about 7,000 members. The Basque government is preparing the bases to regulate the current situation of these associations.

According to a survey from the FAD some time ago, 52.1% of Spanish citizens would be in favor of regulating cannabis. Dr. Uriarte, participant in the conference, said that the problem is not cannabis, it is ignorance about cannabis, since it has many uses, not only the medicinal or recreational aspect, "we have to open our minds, for example in the US, 2 out of 3 Americans are in favor of regulation"

The ertzainza Jesus Maria Herrero said that the possession of cannabis for own consumption in a private space "would not incur any illegality." On this issue, Del Valle criticized the lack of regulation, since it produces "certain imbalance", since it is legal a crop "that can be justified as own consumption" although there is no specific amount that has legal consideration. "Each consumption is different" in each user.

We want to emphazize that prevention and youth education is necessary. These are the most vulnerable and "what is illegal for them is often an incentive". It was also pointed out that when the advantage of regulation is explained, it is not "banalized", as well was agreed that "politicians should not avoid this debate"