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El consumo de alimentos con cannabis puede ayudar a tratar la ansiedad

4648-z" title="" target="_blank">research published   in the August 2017 issue of the scientific journal Psychopharmacology shows that cannabis use can actually mitigate stress reactions, reducing the release of cortisol (a stress hormone) and lowering subjective stress ratings of the patients.

Still, Dr. Solomon has words of warning for patients who are considering edible cannabis treatments for their anxiety. "Edibles, in general, are a little less predictable than any other way of consuming cannabis, be it smoking, vaping or tinctures," he says.

With edibles, the effects take longer to start and last much longer, so edibles are less helpful in treating acute anxiety when it strikes. Edible absorption can also vary depending on what you"ve eaten and the time of day, so there are more variables to consider than with other methods.

Still, some chronic anxiety patients, like Kathryn Grant, one of the founders of the tinctures and topicals company Forest Nymph Botanicals, report the long-lasting effects of edibles to help keep anxiety more manageable throughout the day.

For people considering edibles for their anxiety, both Dr. Solomon and Grant recommend starting with low doses and paying special attention to the strains that work best for you. "We are all different and what works for one person may definitely not work for another," says Dr. Solomon.

Grant echoed these sentiments, encouraging people to take the time to try different things and "have enough self-awareness to discriminate what is good for them and what is not."