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El Tribunal Supremo de la UE dictamina que los estados miembros no deben prohibir el CBD

/pdf/2020-11/cp200141en.pdf" title="" target="_blank">press release  makes it clear that member states cannot prohibit the commercialization of CBD legally produced in another member country.

This comes through a legal process that began in the Czech Republic where some CBD producers exported to France for use in cosmetic products. The French government initiated a lawsuit against all those involved claiming that French law only allows the marketing of hemp seeds or fiber.

In the first instance, the parties were sentenced to 18 and 15 months in prison and fines of up to € 10,000. The sentence was appealed and raised to the European Supreme Court. The high court questioned the conformity of the law since it applies between specific agricultural products and CBD derived from hemp plants is not among them.

It was also taken into account that trade between member states cannot be restricted except for a security and / or public health reason. Since all scientific evidences indicate that CBD is completely safe for health and that it does not have any psychotropic effects, it cannot be classified as narcotic.

Another important step in the legalization of CBD in Europe, let"s see if we take many like them.