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Un poquito mas sobre el CBD" title="" target="">CBD products and sold in any type of establishment. The image we are doing is that CBD is therapeutic and THC is recreational. This perception is normal since no one uses CBD for fun or is prohibited due to its psychoactive effects, does this mean that THC is not therapeutic? In fact, all the scientific and medical literature points to the opposite, THC is not only therapeutic but its great medicinal qualities are being demonstrated.

Regarding the recreational issue ... well, we take it for granted that it is only possible to have fun having altered states of consciousness, whether with alcohol, THC or other psychotropic substances but it is time to change that, many of the best moments are those that we spend relaxed with our family, friends or partner, those endless conversations that do not need astral travel or empty moments wondering what was being talked about. Recreational is everything that makes us feel good and it must be recognized that CBD is good at it.

Something curious is also the feeling that CBD is a sedative, it is true that its relaxing effects help you fall asleep but in reality the one that is sedative is THC. Patients who have had to consume very high amounts of CBD due to their ailments have reported that it actually kept them more awake and alert, but once they tried to sleep it did not interfere with the quality of sleep.

Something that is being discovered as its use becomes widespread and studies are being carried out is the means of action of CBD. We all, myself the first, think that CBD acts on the endocannabinoid receptors of our body as CBD has been shown to do, nothing is further from reality, curiously CBD reduces the level of activity of these receptors, CB1 and CB2, How is it possible then that it has such an outstanding effect on our body? Because this reduction in activity increases the levels of anandamide, our most abundant endocannabinoid, and prevents it from being unnecessarily degraded. 

And we come to a complex issue that our clients always ask us, how much CBD should I take? well, we always have to start small, we do not know our endocannabinoid levels, our absorption level and our tolerance. Although the interactions of CBD with drugs are very low, you have to be cautious. If it is going to be consumed in oil, start with concentrations of 3 or 5%, it is enough to notice its effects and allows its dosage very accurately. If you need higher amounts you just have to consume a little until you reach the desired effects. With higher concentrations it is more difficult to find the point, they are adequate when we have already verified the levels we need and we know that we need more.

We keep discovering things about our favorite plant and its two cannabinoids, which are not the only ones, but the most outstanding ones.