Las distribuidoras de tabaco y alcohol se van introduciendo en el mercado cannabico
nabico.jpg" width="560" alt="Las distribuidoras de tabaco y alcohol se van introduciendo en el mercado cannabico" align="none">
Empezaron las distribuidoras de alcohol introduciendo cannabis en varios de sus productos, invirtiendo en empresas cannábicas y poco a poco diversificando su negocio. Como no podía ser menos las tabaqueras sienten que les han movido la silla y comprueban como el mercado del cannabis crece sin descanso en detrimento de sus beneficios. Si no puedes con tu enemigo únete a el están pensando.
Tenemos ejemplos como la empresa Organigram Holdings, un productor canadiense de nivel medio que ha recibido una inversión por parte de British American Tobacco. A través de esta inversión Organigram a saneado sus cuentas, ha realizado un cambio radical en su junta directiva y forma de gestión. Esto ha elevado a Organigram a las grandes ligas económicas cannábicas.
Otra empresa que se vio beneficiada por una gran inversión por parte de una tabaquera fue Cronos Group. Recibió mas de mil millones por parte de Altria Group. Ni que decir tiene que esto ha catapultado a Cronos expandiéndose a mercados internacionales que antes le estaban vedados, mercados tan importantes como el israelí pionero en sus avances terapéuticos y legales.
Estos son solo dos ejemplos de como la lucha por el mercado cannábico se va a recrudecer en todos los niveles. Las inmensas fortunas de que disponen las grandes corporaciones tabaqueras van a ser usadas para intentar hacerse con el control del mercado. Algo complejo de realizar porque otro lobby, el de el alcohol, también pugna por ese control, sin contar con las propias empresas cannábicas que no quieren perder la supremacía sobre sus productos y mercado.
La lucha va a ser cruenta y esperamos que no terminemos pagando los consumidores como nos pasa siempre. Hay que decir que el pastel es grande y aún no conocemos cual va a ser su techo, tal como se presenta superará con creces al decreciente tabaco y podría incluso alcanzar al omnipresente alcohol.
Veremos que sucede, seguiremos informando.
Tobacco and alcohol distributors are entering the cannabis market
Alcohol distributors began by introducing cannabis in several of their products, investing in cannabis companies and little by little diversifying their business. As it could not be less, the tobacco companies feel that their chair has been moved and they see how the cannabis market grows relentlessly to the detriment of their profits. If you can not with your enemy join him they are thinking.
We have examples such as Organigram Holdings, a mid-level Canadian producer that has received an investment from British American Tobacco. Through this investment Organigram has cleaned up its accounts, has made a radical change in its board of directors and management. This has elevated Organigram to the big cannabis economic leagues.
Another company that benefited from a large investment by a tobacco company was Cronos Group. He received more than one billion from the Altria Group. It goes without saying that this has catapulted Cronos into international markets that were previously closed to it, markets as important as the Israeli pioneer in its therapeutic and legal advances.
These are just two examples of how the fight for the cannabis market is going to intensify at all levels. The huge fortunes available to the large tobacco corporations are going to be used to try to gain control of the market. Something complex to do because another lobby, that of alcohol, is also fighting for that control, without counting on the cannabis companies themselves that do not want to lose supremacy over their products and market.
The fight is going to be bloody and we hope that we do not end up paying consumers as we always do. It must be said that the cake is large and we still do not know what its ceiling will be, as it is presented, it will far exceed the decreasing tobacco and could even reach the ubiquitous alcohol.
We will see what happens, we will continue to report.